Welcome to our parish website
Parish Contact Information (google.com)
This is the Justgiving site where you can contirbute to our parish finances.
You can use the code reader scan or the link below to make a contribution.
All churches are suffering financial hardship since the pandemic and now further exacerbated by our current economic climate.
You may not be a regular attender at Good Shepherd but have family links or fond memories of the church of your youth. Your parish is dependent on your generosity to continue serving our community.
Thank you for your support.
Second Collection on Sunday 8th September.
The Catholic Education Service (CES) acts on behalf of the Catholic Bishops'
Conference to support Catholic education. They have a strong and positive
working relationship with the British and Welsh governments, sharing the
aims of high academic standards for all, and increased parental choice. Catholic
schools make up 10% of the national total of maintained schools. There are
over 2,000 Catholic schools, academies and colleges in England and Wales
educating over 800,000 students. The Catholic Church and the Church of
England together provide one-third of all of the schools in the country. The
CES is the chief negotiating and advisory body on matters affecting all aspects
of Catholic education, and it also provides financial assistance for school
transport in rural areas.
Saturday 7th September from 10.30 am London.
click below.
Applications begin on Sunday 18th August.
Sacrament of First Holy Communion
Sacrament of Confirmation.
Adoration in our Parishes
“Our National Eucharistic Congress will take place on the 14 September.
The following day, on Sunday, 15 September, all of the bishops are going to ask parishes, at the end of their final Mass on that day,
to have a period of Adoration in their churches,
which will link us all in England and Wales in prayer in front of the Lord – that’s a very powerful sign.
See link for further details.
The Vatican has granted permission for
Our Lady of Walsingham to be celebrated
as a new Feast in the dioceses of England,
starting this year on 24 September.
The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC)
one-day conference
on Saturday 28th September 2024, at Holiday Inn Regent's Park, Carburton Street, London, W1W 5EE.
Tickets are £40, including lunch.
Speakers include Alex Schadenberg, Executive Director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, Canada, and David Campanale, a former Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate, who was deselected for his pro-life, Christian beliefs. Bookings can be made via the SPUC website at www.spuc.org.uk/conference-2024. For further details contact katherinehampton@spuc.org.uk. This is a chance to connect with like-minded individuals, hear from inspiring speakers, and equip yourself with knowledge and tools to champion the pro-life cause.
Southwark Justice and Peace Commission.
JPIC Assembly entitled, ‘God Walks with His People’
on the 12th October at St James the Great Roman Catholic Church, Petts Wood BR5 1AY.
The theme is poverty in the UK and overseas.
The Assembly is a time for the diocese to meet in fellowship, pursuing Catholic social justice for those in need.
See link for latest Newsletter.
Days for Readers and Eucharistic Ministers.
Greenwich Deanery
Saturday 19th October 2024
at St Stephen's Welling.
Lewisham Deanery
Saturday 27th October 2024
at Bishop Thomas Grant, College, Streatham.
See link for booking details.
First Holy Communion Programme.
Celebration Day.
Saturday 17th May 2025 at 10.30 am.
Applications from 18th August.
Email: downhamparish@gmail.com
See link for further details.
Interested in the Catholic Faith. (RCIA)?
In October we begin a programme for those who would like to learn about the Catholic Faith.
You may have a child preparing for First Holy Communion
or the Sacrament of Confirmation and you are eager to support them
or you may have been born a catholic but have not received the sacraments.
Find this year’s course on our parish website: Home Page/ Activities/ RCIA.
Celebration Day.
Holy Saturday 19th April 2025 at 8 pm.
Assisted suicide debate
There will be an important debate on assisted suicide in the House of Commons
on Monday 29 April at 4.30pm.
This debate is taking place as a result of the campaign
by media personality Dame EstherRantzen
who wants a change in the law to legalise assisted suicide.
It is vital that as many MPs as possible speak up in the House
to oppose any move to make assisted suicide legal in England and Wales.
Please go to https:!/www.spuc.org.uk/livesworthliving for:
• A briefing on the case against assisted suicide
• Three video stories opposing any change in the law
• An online tool to contact your MP
Too many ‘complicating factors’ to safely implement assisted suicide, says British public in new poll
Taekwondo European Champions.
Two of our young parishioners have achieved the status of European Champions
and are members of the British Squad.
See link as we honour these two young men -
Timi since 2019
and Gabriel in 2023.
CAFOD Israeli-Palestinian Crisis Appeal.
Donate to CAFOD’s Israeli-Palestinian Crisis Appeal at cafod.org.uk/ipc or call 0303 303 3030 to support those affected
and get funds to local trusted experts in Gaza and southern Israel who have been working alongside communities,
helping those most in need.
Your donation will help support aid workers providing urgent humanitarian aid
including food, water and emergency shelter to those in need.
Thank you for your prayers.”
A donation box is available at the back of the church.
For fuller details on how Cafod is already working in the region
Good Shepherd Primary School
currently has places in its Nursery class from September 2024,
for children aged 3 years and above.
To find out more, simply contact the school
on 020 8698 4173, or visit the school website to view the Nursery pages: www.goodshepherd.lewisham.sch.uk.
Application packs can be collected from the school at any time.
Appeal for School Governors.
Governors have an important role to play in ensuring sure schools are run effectively.
They work as part of a team with the Headteacher and other staff
to provide a happy, safe, and thriving learning environment as well as an excellent education for all the children.
Being a school governor can be challenging but hugely rewarding,
which can serve as an oppounity to give something back to our local community,
while making a real difference in the lives of our young people.
For an informal chat about becoming a school governor
please, contact the school office on 0208 698 4173
or email: headteacher@goodshepherd.lewisham.sch.uk
Diocesan Youth Ministry.
Under 18's
Young adults (18 - 35).
Pope Francis has called young people to be,
'Living stones in the Church'.
See link for details of events
Young Adults (18+). Mass on First Sunday at the Cathedral followed by Social.
Weekly Socials on Thursday evenings.
Advance notice of Flame 2025.
Largest gathering of Youth in UK.
Join the register for future updates
Vocations to Priesthood, Diaconate and Religious Life.
The Diocesan Vocations Team
assists those considering a vocation to ordained or consecrated life within the Archdiocese of Southwark.
The team offers guidance, helpful resources, and running Galilee Groups in different locations around the Diocese.
These are suitable for men considering an ordained vocation and offer an opportunity to meet together in prayer and reflection
whilst exploring their calling.
If you are interested in finding out more, please get in touch with our Vocations Director.
Vocations Director
Father Paul Kyne
Email: vocations@rcaos.org.uk
Tel: 020 8300 2480
Discernment and Formationare a process during which we grow.
No one is perfect, but, if you wish to become a Deacon,
you must be open to growth and to developing in faith and ministry.
If you would like to make an initial enquiry about becoming a Permanent Deacon,
then please contact the Director of Formation for Permanent Diaconate,
Deacon Ian Black ianblack@rcaos.org.uk.
Jesus invites each of us to 'Come and See' - this weekend will give the opportunity to explore the vocation to religious life and to reflect on God's call to you.
If you are wondering if God is calling you to religious life and would like to find out more why not come along? You are welcome to stay for the weekend or just come along on Saturday for the day.There will be opportunity for prayer, reflection and input, chance to ask questions and to meet others who are also wondering where God is calling them.
For more information contact Sr Lynne fcJ at fcjvocationeurope@gmail.comor visit our websitewww.fcjsisters.org
See link for further details.
Archbishop John Wilson challenges his diocese to respond.
Pope Francis reminds us,
‘Each individual Christian and every community,’
he says ‘is called to be
an instrument of God for the liberation and promotion of the poor,
and for enabling them to be fully a part of society.
This demands,’ says Pope Francis ‘that we be docile and attentive to the cry of the poor
and to come to their aid.’
(EG 187)
Latest Bulletin June 2024
See link.
CSAN (Catholic Social Action Network).
Do Justice Campaign.
The aim of the campaign is to encourage Catholic parishes and schools to discern the needs of their local communities in the light of the Gospel and to act with the skills and resources they have at their disposal to bring about a more just society.
See link for details
Called to be Peacemakers
A new document of the International Affairs department of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales.
A Catholic approach to arms control and disarmament.
See link for details.
More than 1 in 5 of the UK population is living below the poverty line.
Here is the best way to access local services
click below for further details
Better Off Lewisham
We have launched a new tool called BetterOff Lewisham.
It is an online platform that helps residents struggling with the cost of living
find out what extra support they could be entitled to
and then supports users through claims forms and appeals.
Residents are currently signposted straight to the tool from pertinent pages of the council’s website
and can then undertake a benefits assessment to see what they’re entitled to and not already claiming.
One of the most important elements is a tool that can translate every page into 130+ different languages,
which is so crucial for a borough as diverse as Lewisham.
Since April we’ve had over 800 unique registrations for Better Off
and we’re keen to share it more widely.
Another key aspect of Better Off is the ability to grant access to a trusted helper/advisor
who can support residents through the forms if they struggle with digital tools.
Therefore, we’d like to ensure that community workers, caseworkers and other frontline staff/volunteers know about it
to help inform their conversations with the people they are supporting.
Earlier this year, Policy in Practice found that an estimated £23billion of benefits go unclaimed annually.
This tool can help residents navigate the complexity of the benefits system
and help them get the support they are entitled to.
Signposting to cash-first support and advice in the borough
Lewisham Council and partners have worked with the Independent Food Aid network to develop
the 'Worrying About Money?' leaflet.
This has recently been refreshed and reprinted.
You can also access an online version and printable poster here.
Catholic Children's Society.
Crisis Fund (Emergency Support for families in crisis).
Who is eligible?
One-off financial Support
We have helped
Families whose homes have been destroyed by fire.
Families where redundancy has brought hardship.
Families affected by illness/death of a loved one.
See link for details.
See Link for latest Newsletter.
Newsletter of the Commission for Promoting Racial Justice and Cultural Inclusion
August 2024. Issue 11.
Joint Initiative between Cafod and St Vincent de Paul Society,
to engage with political candidates
in the upcoming general election.
See link.
The people of Sudan need our help urgently. We are launching an emergency appeal for donations to get aid to them on the biggest scale we can muster.
When violence broke out last year in Sudan between government and paramilitaries, most aid agencies evacuated. Now, humanitarian workers are struggling to get back into Sudan to help, meaning severe delays in getting aid to the people, and the challenges of getting into areas where fighting is still going on remain. Many borders are shut as the government say they need to keep weapons out.
But the Church and our local partners are still there. Please, stand with them today.
The situation has gone from serious to desperate very quickly. The UN is calling it ‘the world’s worst displacement crisis’. At least 8 million people have had to flee their homes; famine looms.
“At least 25 million Sudanese need immediate, emergency help. Families are already going hungry and famine is looming. This crisis threatens to become the worst in living memory.” Telley Sadia, CAFOD’s country representative for Sudan.
Let us, as Cardinal Nichols and Bishop Swarbrick wrote recently to Cardinal Stephen Ameyu Martin Mulla, Archbishop of Juba and president of the Sudanese Bishops’ Conference,
‘extend to you the prayerful support of the Church in England and Wales and… express our solidarity with you in your current circumstances of profound distress. We have heard your cry in your recent statement, in which you reminded the international community of the need for support to bring about an end to the civil conflict and allow for immediate humanitarian access to alleviate hunger across Sudan.’
Organisations supporting
Respect for Life and all of God's Creation.
The Society for the Protection of Unborn Child
The Question of Artificial Human Embryos.
Are they really human?
See link.
Life is a UK pregnancy support charity.
See link for details.
Liam McArthur MSP has brought forward a Bill to the Scottish Parliament that, if it becomes law, will introduce an extreme assisted suicide law to Scotland. The Scottish Health, Social Care and Sport Committee is currently seeking submissions from the public for the consultation they are running on the Bill.
The Committee are seeking views from all members of the public, not just those who live in Scotland.You do not have to be from or live in Scotland to make a submission.
It’s vital that as many people as possible submit to the consultation to make it clear that there is very strong opposition to this extreme Bill.
Tonight we have launched an EasyActiontool on our website that will help you make a submission. It only takes two minutes to complete.
Please take action now and click the button below to make your submission.
March for Life
London. Saturday 7th September 2024.
Abortion isn't HealthCare.
See the link for further details.
September Edition
now available from the back of the church.
This is a useful little book (A5) which contains the daily Mass Readings.
Link yourself with the Universal Church in taking a few minutes,
on your way to work or during a break,
to unite with God's Word,
as it is received throughout the world on each day.
Available from the back of the church. Price £1.
Trustee Vacancy with Marriage Care
Marriage Care is a Catholic organisation
providing marriage preparation and relationship counselling services
across England, Wales and Gibraltar.
We are looking for trustees to strengthen our board
and to help us continue to provide vital relationship support services
to the Catholic community and beyond.
For more information please visit:www.marriagecare.org.ukor email:volunteer@marriagecare.org.uk
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
For the past 50 years Worldwide Marriage Encounter has been offering marriage enrichment retreats all around the world.
Focused on couples who want to enrich their relationship and gain a deeper understanding of the Sacrament of Marriage,
the retreat offers a unique experience.
It’s a chance to explore your relationship at a deeper, more intimate level, regardless of how long you have been together.
Thousands of couples in the UK have benefited from a Marriage Encounter weekend retreat,
the next non-residential retreat is from 21-22 September 2024
at Church of the Annunciation, Burnt Oak, London, HA8 0HQ.
Why not find out more atwwme.org.uk
See link for more details.
Escorted Pilgrimage to Knock & Co Mayo,
3rd March 2024. £899.00 pps.
Price includes flight, 10kg hold luggage, 5 nights in 4* Castlecourt Hotel, Westport with Dinner, Bed & Breakfast. Lunch on three days.
All entertainment, excursions and transport are included.
Visit Knock, Galway City, Kylemore Abbey, Croagh Patrick & Ashford Castle. Single supplement on enquiry.
Contact Patricia or Natali on at 01268 762 278 or 07740 175557 or email knockpilgrimages@gmail.com.
See link.
Further information
A Day With Mary 2024 Pilgrimages
to Fatima (7-14 June)
and Italy (4-12 September)
is available at
www.adaywithmary.orgor email adwmary.uk@gmail.com
See link for details.
7 Nights Apartment B&B from €273 per person sharing. Airport transfer is available on request. Contact us for details and book the dates that suit you.
Tel. 020 3239 8662 or website www.med-irishcentre.com
MEDJUGORJE: 00387 36 651 518
ENGLAND: 0044 20 3239 8662
See link
Volunteers Required.
Sense Charity.
Location462/464 Bromley Road, Downham, Kent, BR1 4PP
See link for further details.