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Pastoral Letter from Archbishop John Wilson
for the Feast of the Holy Family.
Events & news
keeping you informed of the latest news and events in the Archdiocese
Schools rosary. Archbishop John led 10,000 children and young people in an Archdiocesan wide rosary organised by the Education Service as part of the campaign to encourage people to GivePrayerAGo. Read the Catholic Herald’s write-up.
Evangelisation in schools. An innovative project, ‘Come and See’, is inviting non-Catholic teachers and staff in our schools to consider becoming Catholic. Four staff were received into the Church this year and there are plans to expand the project across the Archdiocese. Read about the initiative in the Catholic Herald and contact ecenquiries@rcaos.org.uk if you’d like to know more about the project.
Saints of Southwark - Sister Sheila Moloney (DMJ). Sister Sheila Moloney has been recognised by the Archdiocese for her inspirational hospital ministry. A religious sister for the Daughters of Mary and Joseph of 60 years, Sister Sheila continues to put the words of Christ into action. ‘Saints of Southwark’ is an initiative to celebrate and promote good works in our Archdiocese. If you would like to nominate a priest, religious, layperson, parish or project for their inspirational work, email patrickkinsella@rcaos.org.uk
Month of Mary. For the month of Mary, Archbishop John is encouraging people to pray the Rosary to journey with Mary to Christ. Watch his recorded message, released on 1 May, on our website.
Southwark Catholic Youth Service. The Southwark Catholic Youth Service has several activities in 2024 for youth and young adults. For regular updates on forthcoming events, sign up to its network at www.tinyurl.com/scysnetwork. For queries on youth activities email youth@rcaos.org.uk
Secretaries & Bookkeepers Away Day - 22 May. A networking and learning opportunity for secretaries and bookkeepers at Amigo Hall on 22 May, 9.30am-4pm. A light lunch will be provided. Book here without delay, and for any questions, contact Priscila Costa reception@rcaos.org.uk
CARJ 40th anniversary - 25 May. As part of its 40th anniversary celebration, Catholic Association for Racial Justice (CARJ) is launching‘The Agenda for Change’to bring about greater equality and create a racially just society. This free event takes place on25 May at 10.30amin Amigo Hall, followed by a 3pm Mass.
Caritas representatives - 28 May 6.30pm (zoom). If you’re interested in social action and justice, you may want to consider becoming a Caritas representative in your deanery. Register to join a zoom to find out more about how you can get involved on 28 May 6.30pm-7.30pm. Contact johncoleby@rcaos.org.uk if you have any questions.
Food projects gathering - 6 June 6.30pm (zoom). Caritas is organising a food projects gathering for all those involved in food projects in their parish. It will be a chance to hear how others are responding to need in their area, share resources and find out about wider support. It’s taking place 6 June 6.30pm-7.30pm, register to join on zoom. Contact johncoleby@rcaos.org.uk if you have any questions.
Formation Fayre - 8 June. The Agency for Evangelisation and Catechesis (AEC) is running a Formation Fayre on 8 June at 10.30am at Amigo Hall. It is a day for all those interested in receiving formation and growing their faith, including clergy, Deanery Mentors and Parish Leads, as well as those involved or interested in Adult Formation. Archbishop John will deliver a keynote. Details, including booking, available here.
Archbishop John lecture on the Synod - 11 June. Archbishop John will deliver the first Hayes-Towey Memorial Lecture at St Mary's University in Twickenham on 11 June, starting at 6pm. Book and find out more here.
Day for Life - 16 June. The focus for this year’s Day for Life will be opposition to assisted suicide. With the intention of praying and advocating for the establishment of a culture of care at the end of life, the theme for the Day for Life is: ‘The Lord is my Shepherd – Compassion and Hope at the End of Life’ Resources will be shared by 1 June by Day for Life, but for more info visit CBCEW.
Mission Together Day for primary schools - 18 June. Clergy are invited to attend, together with their parish primary schools, the Mission Together Day for Primary Schools with Missio and the Archdiocese of Southwark Education Service. It’s taking place on 18 June at Aylesford, beginning at 10.30am. Please contact Claire if you’d like to attend clairewilliams@rcaos.org.uk
Introduction to the Gregorian Chant - 25 June. Jonathan Schranz, the Archdiocese of Southwark Director of Music, is running a free online introduction to Gregorian Chant on 25 June at 8pm. The session will include learning to read and sing from its notation, understanding its liturgical function and how to take the music into your parish or school.
RCIA formation days - clergy and laity. AEC is offering two days of formation focused on RCIA, one specifically for clergy on Friday 28 June and a more general day open to all on Saturday 29 June, both at Amigo Hall. The days will be led by RCIA expert Dr Bill Keimig, with a focus on the three aspects of RCIA: Liturgy, Catechesis, Pastoral.
Day for Celebration - 7 July. Bishop Paul will celebrate Mass at Aylesford Priory. Creative prayer and art activities, along with an Edith Stein retreat available on the day. Individuals and parish pilgrimage groups are welcome. Poster and more details here.
Archbishop John to lead pilgrimage to Lourdes - August. Join Archbishop John and Bishop Paul on a pilgrimage to Lourdes from 23 - 30 August. Details of the pilgrimage, including volunteering and accommodation options can be found on our website. Experience the unique spirituality of Lourdes, along with people from parishes around the Archdiocese.
Pilgrimages. If you are planning a pilgrimage, please read this guidance.
New St George’s Cathedral Canons. Canon John Diver was installed as Canon of St George's Cathedral, with Canon David Gibbons and Canon Liam Gallagher instituted as Honorary Canon. Photos and more here.
Migrants’ Mass. Archbishop John thanked migrants for the immense contribution they have made to the UK at the annual Migrants’ Mass. You can read his homily in full and see photos on our website.
Caritas 1st anniversary. Caritas Southwark celebrated its 1st anniversary in March, with a Mass celebrated by Archbishop John. Find out more about the celebration here. Contact johncoleby@rcaos.org.uk for any questions on Caritas.
Joyful pilgrimage to Walsingham. Bishop Philip Moger, joined by around 180 pilgrims, led a pilgrimage to Walsingham. Read about it on our website.