
(Christian, Action, Research, Education).

God calls His people to be

light and salt in every area of soci­ety, includ­ing politics! 

Ross Hendry Chief Executive

Preparing for the General Election.

Following the Prime Minister’s announcement of a July 4th election, I’m delighted to launch CARE’s dedicated election website, engaGE24!

Visit the engaGE24 website!

I am sure you’ll agree with me that it is full of quality content – from policy primers, to video interviews with Christian MPs, a blog, a podcast and so much more. One amazing feature is our election quiz where you can find out the party you might align with.

Our heart behind this campaign is to equip the UK Church to engage effectively with this election. Research tells us that Christians will vote. The question before all of us is who will we vote for? I pray our resources will help you as you come to your decision.

I think this election is a golden opportunity for the Church to engage and make our voice heard.

CARE is strictly politically neutral. We work with MPs from all parties when they are with us on our causes. Our engaGE24 site will not tell you who to vote for but it will equip you to think through key issues, and help you connect with prospective candidates.

You’ll also find our dedicated, 40-day prayer resource. God commands us to pray for all those in authority (1 Timothy 2:1-2). That is one indisputable thing we can do this election that will make a huge difference.

Visit the engaGE24 website!

I would love for you to pass this email on to friends, family and anyone else who would be helped by its content.

A lot of resources have gone into this election site and if you can send us a financial gift at this time, we would be very grateful.

I’m so glad that at a time like this, God is on the throne!

His will shall be done and whatever the outcome, CARE is committed to pursuing our mission of speaking God’s better story to a broken world.

Every blessing,

Ross Hendry

latest update May 2024.

We’ve written to you several times concerning the government’s Criminal Justice Bill. MPs have proposed amendments to this legislation that would change abortion law in England and Wales and introduce a new offence of “conversion practices”.

Some earlier amendments have been withdrawn but at this stage, there are five to be aware of. Two abortion-related amendments would make regressive changes to the law. The first, from Stella Creasy MP, would completely decriminalise abortion until 24 weeks. And a second, from Diana Johnson MP, would prevent any woman who induces an abortion from being charged.

Two further amendments would make positive changes to abortion law. An amendment from Caroline Ansell MP would reduce the statutory time limit from 24 weeks to 22 weeks. And an amendment from Sir Liam Fox MP would make it illegal for babies with Down’s Syndrome to be aborted past the legal limit. Shockingly, disability abortions up to birth are currently permitted.

A fifth amendment, by Alicia Kearns MP, seeks to criminalise ‘conversion practices’, which are vaguely defined as “any conduct or activities” carried out with the “premeditated intent to change, replace or negate an individual’s actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity”. Legal experts have warned that this amendment poses a serious threat to Gospel freedoms.

We’d be very grateful if you would consider writing to your MP about these amendments. To make it as straightforward as possible for you, we have produced a draft email that covers each of them. You can find it on a dedicatedTake Action Page on CARE’s website.

When you get to the page, simply type in your post code and edit the text of the draft letter we have provided to make it your own. We strongly suggest that you do this, as we have learned that personalised correspondence is the best way to influence MPs. Simply click the button below to email your MP.

Please click below.

Yes, I’ll take action and email my MP

Thank you for standing with us.

Every blessing,

Ross Hendry

PS - feel free to forward on responses from your MP to

The first two months of 2024 have been incredibly busy, with moves at Westminster to decriminalise abortion and ban ‘conversion practices’.

We are so grateful to those of you who took the time to write to your MP about these issues.

The Government is currently consulting on guidance for English schools on dealing with “Gender Questioning Children”. A consultation will run until Tuesday 12 March. This issue is very important – especially to parents. As a mother of two teenage children, I’m deeply concerned about what is happening in schools. Heartbreaking accounts tell of children being encouraged down a pathway to experimental drugs and surgery in pursuit of the dangerous idea that they can ‘change sex’.

At CARE, we believe there is a better story for children and young people who are struggling with issues of identity. This involves helping those who experience gender dysphoria to embrace their God-given identity as male or female – with gentle, patient support from family members, friends, and professionals.

We are conscious that we have asked a lot of you recently, but if you wish to respond to this consultation, we have produced a step-by-step guide for you to follow. To access this and find out how to respond to the consultation, visit our Take Action Page.

Yes, I’ll respond

If you require further information, you can contact us at:

Every blessing,

Louise Davies MBEDirector of Advocacy and Policy

Donate to CARE

At CARE, we work hard to keep you informed about important developments in our politics and give you the tools you need to respond. Would you consider donating to our work?

Donate to CARE

CARE, Charity No: 1066963, Scottish Charity No: SC038911 and company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales at 53 Romney Street, London, SW1P 3RF, Company No: 3481417. Executive Ross Hendry | Co-Founder Rev Lyndon Bowring

Liam Fox MP has tabled an amendment to the Criminal Justice Bill (CJB) which would end abortion to term for Down syndrome if it is selected by Mr Speaker and agreed by a majority of MPs.

Speaking in the House of Commons yesterday, Mr Fox told the Prime Minister that he had secured strong, cross-party support for the amendment. When asked to support the amendment, the Prime Minister failed to do so.

Under the current abortion law, it is legal to abort a baby with Down syndrome right the way until birth. In 2021, figures from the Department of Health and Social Care show there were 859 abortions due to Down syndrome, up a quarter on the previous year.

This provision in the current law has been subject to an ongoing legal challenge, led by Heidi Crowter, who said the current law makes her feel like a second class-citizen.

The CJB is shaping up to include at least three abortion related amendments:

  1. An amendment from Diana Johnson MP to decriminalise abortion
  2. An amendment from Caroline Ansell to reduce the time-limit from 24 weeks to 22
  3. An amendment from Dr Liam Fox to stop abortion to birth for Down syndrome

Amendments are selected by Mr Speaker and votes might take place, although this is dependent on a range of factors, including whether the MP who tables the amendment actually calls for a vote.

In 2022, Mr Fox's private members bill to improve access to care for people living with Down syndrome passed into law. The Down Syndrome Act recognised people with Down syndrome as a specific minority group and made it a statutory duty that their specific care needs were met.

A Bill to ban ‘conversion practices’ that “change a person’s sexual orientation” or “change a person to or from being transgender” is due to be debated at Westminster in the coming weeks. Lloyd Russell-Moyle MP’s Conversion Practices (Prohibition) Bill would create a new offence, punishable by an unlimited fine.

At CARE, we recognise that abusive, violent, or coercive ‘practices’, ‘treatments’ or ‘therapies’ aimed at changing a person’s identity are wrong, and a source of deep hurt to those who experience them. However, shocking practices described by advocates of a ‘conversion practices’ ban can already be dealt with under existing laws.

The terminology in the Bill is vague, creating a risk of chilling interference in the church, and private family life. As drafted, it does not rule out Christian ministers being punished for counselling people in line with the clear teaching of Scripture. Christian parents could also be penalised for advising a child against ‘changing sex’.

Our policy team has produced a draft email to help you raise concerns with your MP. To use this tool, visit our Take Action Page, type in your post code, and edit the text of the email. We find that personalised correspondence with politicians is most effective.

Please consider writing before the Bill’s Second Reading in the Commons on Friday 1 March. This is an opportunity to show grace and truth – modelling Christ’s compassion for those who have been wronged, whilst also defending Gospel freedoms.

Yes, I’ll write to my MP

Please also join us in praying that politicians would hear the concerns of Christian people and make wise decisions in the months ahead.

Every blessing,

Ross HendryCEO of CARE