Welcome to our parish website
Marriage and Family Life South East
RC Archdiocese of Southwark
Each year a Mass of celebration is held for those celebrating significant anniversaries.
The Mass takes place over the summer months and is open to all married couples by invitation.
Further details after Easter.
Local Contact for the South East.
Mr & Mrs John and Lisette Blanchet Ball
Tel:07505 305 297
Dear Father,
The MFL team would like to wish you a holy and happy 2025.
As 2025 is the year of Jubilee we would like you to help us strengthen marriage in the diocese.
To this end please could you put the following information in your bulletin and encourage married couples to attend aBuilding a Better Marriage opportunity to enrich their marriage:
Building a Better Marriage (BABM) – Jubilee 2025 Pilgrims of Hope
The day starts at 9.30am and finishes at 4.30pm and is free to attend.
To join please contact Carole on 07983 524 727 or emailmflkent@rcaos.org.uk
25 January - St Stephen Church, Welling
1 February - Our Lady Star of the Sea, Broadstairs
15 March - Our Lady Queen of Peace, East Sheen
12 April – St Mary Church, Croydon West
28 June – St Raphael Church, Kingston Upon Thames
5 July - St Thomas More, Dulwich
13 September – Southwark Cathedral, London
4 October – Holy Cross, Catford
1 November – St James the Great, Petts Wood
For couples experiencing difficulties:
You Can Help Your Marriage –Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue … or have you just stopped because it only makes it worse?
Retrouvaille has helped 10s of 1000s of couples experiencing difficulties in their marriage. For confidential information about the next programme which will be presented on Zoom …27 February to 2 March 2025 . Email:info@retrouvaille.org.uk
Grief in Loss, Hope in Christ retreatfor the bereaved - Aylesford Priory 21-23 March 2025 and 10-12 Oct 2025
For families and young adults:
The latest CELEBRATE resource which is ourLent OnlineFamily Activitypackdesigned to support family faith life. It is packed full of engaging activities, ways to pray, books to savour and films that both entertain and promote conversation in faith. Parishes, schools and families can download their free Lent family activity packhere.
CELEBRATE also has a couple of events coming up:
Joel's Bar
This year Joel's Bar, CELEBRATE Trust's Young Adults ministry, is running a week at Worth School, West Crawley from 6-11 April.JBoffers a space for Young Adults to encounter the living God and explore their faith in an environment built on community and fellowship. The timetable is made up of various ways to engage both with God and each other. This includes the sacraments, praise and worship, prayer ministry, personal prayer, small group discussion, workshops, sports, entertainment evenings, and lots of time to socialise and build community in our Cafe and Bar! Joel's Bar tickets on sale now.
CELEBRATE festival - Witness to hope
In this year of Jubilee, join CELEBRATE in the beautiful Sussex countryside at Worth School for a relaxed faith-filled festival situated around a big top!
·Inspirational Speakers. Have your faith renewed and inspired through talks and breakout sessions.
·Great groups for Children and Young People. Make friends and experience the gospel in relevant and dynamic ways.
·Masses and worship. Encounter the presence of God in beautiful Eucharists and anointed worship.
·Prayer, Spend time in Worth’s beautiful Abbey and also have the opportunity to receive prayer.
·Fun and fellowship. Get to know others over tea, coffee or a glass of wine and fun family activities.
Come and camp in our festival campsite, or book into our residential school accommodation.
Limited Early Bird Tickets, accommodation selling fast and children and youth groups are likely to fill up so book now for CELEBRATE festival!
CELEBRATE Children and Family Lead
Follow us:
Instagram: @celebratetrust
Facebook: @Celebratetrust.org
Beginning Experience’
Beginning Experience provides peer support for Separated, Divorced, and Widowed persons,
to facilitate the grief resolution process, and enable those wounded by grief
to rediscover love for themselves, others, and God.
Facilitated by trained peer ministers, grief resolution programmes
take place in nine countries on three continents,
including here in the south of England.
The attached poster gives details of the next weekend, 12-14 April 2024.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
For the past 50 years Worldwide Marriage Encounter has been offering marriage enrichment retreats all around the world.
Focused on couples who want to enrich their relationship and gain a deeper understanding of the Sacrament of Marriage,
the retreat offers a unique experience.
It’s a chance to explore your relationship at a deeper, more intimate level, regardless of how long you have been together.
Thousands of couples in the UK have benefited from a Marriage Encounter weekend retreat,
the next non-residential retreat is from 21-22 September 2024
at Church of the Annunciation, Burnt Oak, London, HA8 0HQ.
Why not find out more at wwme.org.uk