Parish Gift Aid Scheme

 If you are a tax payer and regularly attend Mass

at Good Shepherd Church, please consider joining

our Gift Aid scheme and increase the value of your

donations at no extra cost to yourself.  

It's a simple process to join.

How Gift Aid works

The Gift Aid scheme is for gifts of money by individuals who pay UK tax. Gift Aid donations are regarded as having basic rate tax deducted by the donor. Charities  take your donation - which is money you've already paid tax on - and reclaim the basic rate tax from HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) on its 'gross' equivalent - the amount before basic rate tax was deducted.

Basic rate tax is 20 per cent, so this means that if you give £10 using Gift Aid, it’s worth £12.50 to the charity.

How to make a donation using Gift Aid

In order to make a Gift Aid donation you’ll need to make a Gift Aid declaration. The charity will normally ask you to complete a simple form - one form can cover every gift made to the same charity for whatever period you choose, and can cover gifts you have already made and/or gifts you may make in the future.

A Gift Aid declaration must include:

  • your full name
  • your home address
  • the name of the charity

If you wish to join the scheme at Good Shepherd then please contact our Gift Aid organiser on the website email address.

Some of our parishioners find it easier to contribute through a Standing Order.

The Standing Order form is enclosed below.

Good Shepherd Church Gift Aid Scheme - Bank Standing Order

The Manager




(Please insert name & address of your Bank)

Please make the following payment until further notice, and debit my/our account accordingly.


Sort Code:

Account Name:

Account No:

Amount in Figures:  ……………………………………………………………….. per month*

Amount in Words:    ………………………………………………………………. per month*

                                    (*If any other frequency, please specify)

Commencement date: ……………………………………………………………

My/Our Account Name: …………………………………………………………

My/Our Account Number: ……………………………………………………..

Signature(s):  ………………………………………………………………………….


Date:               .…………………………………………………………………………

Please cancel any previous orders to same payee.

 The Manager

 Standing Order For Gift Aid Scheme

Gift Aid information for those making tax returns

Gift Aid Donations for 2023/24

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