Jubilee Celebration at Aylesford Priory – update

Archbishop John is inviting all of us to the Southwark Archdiocesan Jubilee Celebration at The Friars, Aylesford on Saturday 7 June 2025.

It promises to be a great day.

Find out more from the poster in the porch or

by visiting aec.rcaos.org.uk/jubileecelebration[

and sign up to come on our parish coach, leaving at a specified time (it is also possible to attend by car)].

Pre-booking for the 90-minute ministry sessions for children (KS1+2) and young people (KS3+4)

will commence at 11 am on Wednesday 30 April at aec.rcaos.org.uk/jubileecelebration.

The organisers are also asking for volunteers to help on the day.

If you might like to help, register to volunteer at bit.ly/southwarkhelper.

St George's Cathedral Fund

St George’s Cathedral Second Collection 28th April

For over half a century, St George’s Cathedral has been the Mother Church of the Archdiocese of Southwark,

home to 175 parishes and over 50,000 Roman Catholics.

For many Catholics living and working across London and the South East of England,

St George’s has been a beacon of light.

Today, St George’s Cathedral continues to attract thousands of worshippers and visitors each year,
as well as serving a lively local parish community 

which proudly reflects the rich cultural and ethnic diversity of South London.

The Cathedral frequently hosts important Diocesan and national celebrations,

as well as concerts and events for various Catholic charities.

There is a rich musical tradition,

maintaining a choir of boys and men, as well as a girls’ choir, both of which sing on Sunday Masses and on major feasts.

In many respects, St George’s Cathedral serves as a spiritual home and ‘beehive’

for Catholic evangelisation and mission across the Archdiocese of Southwark.

St George’s Cathedral relies entirely on the generosity of

its parishioners, volunteers and the Archdiocese of Southwark to keep its doors open.

It does not receive Vatican or government funding, nor does it have an endowment to rely on.

Your support can enable the Cathedral to remain open  daily

to those seeking a place of peace, prayer and worship.

Thank you!
• Donate Online: www.rcaos.org.uk/Cathedral
• Or Scan QR Code using telephone camera (right)
• Telephone weekdays 9 am – 5 pm: 020 7960 2504
• Cash / Cheque – please use the St George’s Cathedral
envelopes at the back of church

Augustine Pilgrimage Route in Kent

Augustine Camino

The Augustine Camino is a relatively new pilgrimage route within the Diocese of Southwark, running between Rochester Cathedral and The Augustine Shrine in Ramsgate.  Their Founder, Andrew Kelly, will be offering a number of one day guided tours this Summer and a FREE one day pilgrimage is offered on 8th June from 8.30 am - 5.30 pm between Faversham and Canterbury Cathedral, ending with a Pilgrimage Service within the Cathedral.  For further information and a Narthex poster, click here.

Although we all enjoy the idea of going on pilgrimage abroad, for many it is not practical for a variety of reasons, such as finances, family or limited health.  The Augustine Camino is a practical way forward in order enjoy to enjoy the benefits of taking time out to reflect and pray without being too far from home or spending a large amount of money.

The overall Pilgrimage is 70 miles in total and can be reasonably walked in one week (or more, if preferred!).  It aims to take in the beautiful Kent countryside as well as places of history and heritage en route, including relics of St Thomas More, a number of churches, including some stunning stained glass windows, and a chance to explore affiliations to a number of saints, not least of which is St Augustine, who is considered Apostle to England, founder of the English Church and one of our three diocesan patrons. There will also be a chance to stop off for a good pub lunch and spend time talking and praying together. 

For those wishing to embark on more than a one-day pilgrimage, baggage transfer is available, as is a guidebook and Pilgrim Passport which you can get stamped along the route.

To find out more about the Camino visit: http://augustinecamino.co.uk/
To hear a recent interview of Andrew Kelly on Radio 4, on the subject of why people go on pilgrimage' click here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m00051bf

The Friars at Aylesford

You will find a comprehensive list of pilgrimages and events at Aylesford during the year. Consult the Friars website at http://www.thefriars.org.uk/