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More than 1 in 5 of the UK population is living below the poverty line.

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Lewisham Foodbank | Helping Local People in Crisis

Better Off Lewisham

We have launched a new tool called BetterOff Lewisham

It is an online platform that helps residents struggling with the cost of living

find out what extra support they could be entitled to

and then supports users through claims forms and appeals.

Residents are currently signposted straight to the tool from pertinent pages of the council’s website

and can then undertake a benefits assessment to see what they’re entitled to and not already claiming.

One of the most important elements is a tool that can translate every page into 130+ different languages,

which is so crucial for a borough as diverse as Lewisham.

Since April we’ve had over 800 unique registrations for Better Off

and we’re keen to share it more widely.

Another key aspect of Better Off is the ability to grant access to a trusted helper/advisor

who can support residents through the forms if they struggle with digital tools.

Therefore, we’d like to ensure that community workers, caseworkers and other frontline staff/volunteers know about it

to help inform their conversations with the people they are supporting.

Earlier this year, Policy in Practice found that an estimated £23billion of benefits go unclaimed annually.

This tool can help residents navigate the complexity of the benefits system

and help them get the support they are entitled to.

Signposting to cash-first support and advice in the borough

Lewisham Council and partners have worked with the Independent Food Aid network to develop

the 'Worrying About Money?' leaflet.

This has recently been refreshed and reprinted.

You can also access an online version and printable poster here