Jubilee Year 2025.

The Holy Father has decided that 2025 will be a year of Jubilee, something which happens every 25 years.

The theme is “Pilgrims of Hope”,

and it will be a year of hope for a world suffering the impacts of war, the ongoing effects of COVID-19 pandemic, and a climate crisis.

Preparations for the 2025 Year of Jubilee will begin in Advent 2023,

which will mark the start of a year of prayer.

The Bishops’ Conference will be producing resources for the preparatory year of prayer,

focusing on the Our Father, as well as resources about Jubilee in the Catholic Church.

For use by parishes, priests, religious, laypeople, and more,

these resources will help guide you as you ready yourself for this most vital year in the Church’s life.

Reflections by Archbishop John Wilson on preparing for the coming Jubilee 2025.

Holy Year 2025 - Decree for Granting Indulgences
The Holy See has published the Decree of Indulgences which will sit alongside the Bull of
Indiction for the Holy Year of Jubilee 2025, both of which are attached with this Ad clerum.
In the Bull announcing the Ordinary Jubilee of 2025, the Holy Father invites all Christians
to become “pilgrims of hope”. This virtue is sourced in the grace of God and His mercy.
Thus, the signs of the times, which reflect the yearning of human hearts for God’s saving
presence, should encourage us to become signs of hope in a world which longs for God,
whether it recognises it or not.

Previously, during the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy in 2015, Pope Francis emphasised the
importance of indulgence as being God’s mercy, expressed through the Church, which
reaches the pardoned sinner and frees them from the consequences of sin. Now, the Holy
Father declares that the gift of indulgence allows us to discover the unlimited nature of
God’s mercy.
During the Ordinary Jubilee of 2025, the faithful may obtain a plenary indulgence, under
the usual conditions, by:
Undertaking a pious pilgrimage:
Visiting sacred Jubilee sites (e.g., Major Papal Basilicas, Holy Land basilicas, and local
churches, which will be especially designated prior to the Jubilee.).
Participating in Holy Mass, engaging in Eucharistic adoration, meditation and other
liturgical celebrations or devotions at Jubilee sites.
Carrying out acts of charity or mercy, both corporal and spiritual, especially by
visiting those in need or difficulty.
The faithful can also obtain the Indulgence by observing penitential practices, such
as abstaining from food, distractions, and donating to the poor.
Of particular note is the request from the Holy Father that Priests offer generous availability
for the sacrament of Penance and to invite retired priests and others holding faculties to
facilitate access to confession.
In order to ensure the faithful are fully prepared to receive the Jubilee Indulgence as a grace
to be sought during this special year of hope and mercy, priests and deacons are invited to
join with the bishops in explaining the provisions and principles of obtaining the indulgence
and to provide catechesis appropriate to the socio-cultural characteristics of their people.