Caritas in Southwark

Here you will find access to the Caritas Southwark webpage

At Caritas Social Action Network, we’ve just launched our Do Justice campaign. You can find out more at:

The aim of the campaign is to encourage Catholic parishes and schools to discern the needs of their local communities in the light of the Gospel and to act with the skills and resources they have at their disposal to bring about a more just society.

We’ve produced a three-session resource for parishes as a guide to this process, which you’ll find attached. The sessions use the Conversations in the Spirit method of the synodal process, to make sure that everyone is heard, and the best ways forward can be discerned.

We would love to have a quick call with you or a member of your parish about how you could set up a Do Justice group in your parish to discern and act on the needs of your community.

Book a call with our team here

You’ll also find attached a poster for display in the parish. On the Do Justice website, you’ll be able to download a copy of the ‘core text’ of the campaign,Do Justice: A Vision for Spiritual and Civic Renewal in England and Wales.

This document might be a helpful introduction for parishes who want to engage with Do Justice. It’s a reminder of the scriptural roots of justice and the main principles of Catholic Social Teaching which guide our work for a better world.

If your parish is interested in engaging with Do Justice, we’d love to hear from you. We’re beginning to convenea number ofparish groups who are working on this so that we can offer support and learn from each other.

With our prayers and best wishes,
Raymond Friel OBE
CEO, Caritas Social Action Network

Telephone: 020 7870 2210

“Caritas Social Action Network shares in the mission of the Catholic Church, committed to tackling the causes of poverty, promoting justice and restoring dignity, specifically by convening and animating alliances of member charities involved in the social mission of the Church, leading on the formation of those involved in social action, and raising a prophetic Catholic voice in the public arena.”

Office: Romero House, 55 Westminster Bridge Rd. London, SE1 7JB

Caritas Social Action Network (CSAN) is an agency of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales and a member of Caritas Internationalis, Registered Charity No.01101431, and a company limited by guarantee (England) Company Reg. No. 4505111.

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My name is Berna, and I am the Research and Programmes Officer at Caritas Social Action Network.

We recently emailed to introduce you to our new campaign,Do Justice: A Vision for Spiritual and Civic Renewal.

This is a follow-up message to signpost you to some resources that we have created to facilitate the Do Justice campaign at the local level, particularly in Catholic parishes and schools across England and Wales.

Please find attached our primary resource which is Do Justice: For Parishes. We are inviting parish communities to ‘see’ the needs of their local area and consider how the Gospel might call us to respond. We are also regularly updating our website with resources on other topical issues that you can view here:

If you are interested in setting up a Do Justice group in your parish or would like to find out more about our campaign in general, please do get in contact with me.

Best, and God bless,

Bernadette Durcan

Research and Programmes Officer

Mobile: 07785 950585

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