Welcome to our parish website
This is the Justgiving site where you can contirbute to our parish finances.
You can use the code reader scan or the link below to make a contribution.
All churches are suffering financial hardship since the pandemic and now further exacerbated by our current economic climate.
You may not be a regular attender at Good Shepherd but have family links or fond memories of the church of your youth. Your parish is dependent on your generosity to continue serving our community.
Thank you for your support.
Clergy Support Fund Second Collection
The clergy in our Archdiocese have given us so much. They have been there for us in our happiest
moments and comforted us when we have lost loved ones. Supporting priests in their retirement is
one way to show your appreciation for all they have one for parishes.
You make supporting our clergy in retirement possible, find out how to donate
to the Clergy Support Fund at www.rcaos.org.uk/donate/CSF or scan QR code.
You can also donate via telephone office hours Mon-Fri 020 7960 2504 or by
using the Clergy Support Fund envelopes available today at the back of Church.
Please continue to keep our Priests in your prayers.
Special Envelopes available at the back of the church.
Sacrament of Confirmation.
Tuesday 25th February 2025 at 7.30 pm.
We welcome Canon Victor Darlington,
Episcopal Vicar for South-east area of Southwark,
who will celebrate with the candidates and families.
All are welcome to attend.
Thank You.
We are very grateful to the members of the Ugandan Choir who joined us for Mass last Sunday.
The drums of Africa and the vibrant voices raised in praise of God brought a wonderful joy to our Sunday Celebration.
We prepare to enter
the Season of Lent
Ash Wednesday on 5th March.
9.15am (led by school)
Ashes distributed at both Masses.
Help Shape the Future of Our Archdiocese
The Archbishop invites you to play a vital role in shaping the future of our Archdiocese.
In today's pastoral letter, he encourages everyone to reflect on the themes in the
Called to Bear Fruit booklet
and participate in small group discussions over the coming weeks. Here's how you can get involved:
The more people who take part, the richer our understanding of the needs of our archdiocese will be.
Let's work together to shape our future! Thank you for your involvement.
Parish Initiative.
Click on Link to see our parish profile from last year's survey.
This is the first step in seeing our way forward.
Inauguration of Holy Year Jubilee 2025
Seee link for latest.
I am writing to you to ask you to urgently contact your MP.
Last week, the Committee of MPs responsible for scrutinising Kim Leadbeater’s assisted suicide Bill heard oral evidence from ‘experts’ in the UK and overseas concerning her Bill and the implications of legalising assisted suicide.
Although Kim Leadbeater and her allies repeatedly promised MPs that ‘Committee Stage’ would allow transparent and genuine scrutiny of her Bill, as you may have read in media reports, there are serious concerns with how her Committee has conducted its scrutiny so far.
Remarkably, all eight witnesses invited from countries where assisted suicide has been legalised were supporters of assisted suicide, while no evidence at all was heard from Canada, the Netherlands or Belgium where there have been grave concerns about abuses and expansion of similar laws.
At the same time, important voices were excluded from the oral evidence sessions including the Government’s chief Suicide Prevention Strategy Advisor, the British Geriatrics Society and a number of disability rights groups, senior palliative care doctors and legal experts with relevant expertise.
Among the large number of ‘experts’ presenting who supported assisted suicide, many made disturbing recommendations. One suggested it should be a criminal offence to seek to dissuade a loved one from pursuing assisted suicide. Multiple ‘experts’ expressed their view that ‘feeling a burden’ is a legitimate reason to seek assisted suicide.
Astonishingly, one fanatical pro-assisted suicide Australian MP, invited by Kim Leadbeater to give evidence, took the redefining of language to new lengths, hoodwinking MPs that assisted suicide "is a form of suicide prevention".
What I have shared with you above is just a few of the many issues with the way this process has been handled.
All of this means that vital evidence concerning problems that may arise as a result of legalisation has been withheld from MPs.
It’s crucial that MPs are aware of these serious problems with how Kim Leadbeater and her allies have conducted scrutiny of the Bill at the Committee Stage.
It’s also really important that they know that you, as a constituent, are very concerned about this and that they must vote against the Bill at Third Reading.
We have launched an easy-to-use tool that makes it simple to email your local MP on this important development.
Please take action and click the button below to contact your MP now.It only takes 30 seconds.
Act now - Click here to contact your MP
Once you have contacted your MP, please encourage like-minded friends and family to contact their MP too. You can do that easily by forwarding this email to them.
Many thanks for all your help on this.
Catherine Robinson
Right To Life UK
A Year of Hope: Introduction to the Jubilee Year
How can we respond to Pope Francis’ call to be “tangible signs of hope” in this Jubilee Year?
Find out by watching this inspirational event
find it and other Jubilee resources at cafod.org.uk/jubilee).
Featuring Fr Jan Nowotnik, Director of Mission at the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales,
CAFOD Director Christine Allen and more.
Discover how we can act in faith and in love as pilgrims of hope this Holy Year.
You Can Help Your Marriage –Do you feel alone?
Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue … or have you just stopped talking to each other?
Does talking about it only make it worse? Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vi with a long'i') helps couples through difficult times in their marriages.
There is no group therapy or group work.
This programme has helped 10s of 1000s of couples experiencing difficulties in their marriage. For confidential information about Retrouvaille’, or to register for the next programme commencing via Zoom on …27 February to 2 March 2025
Call or text 0788 7296983 Emailinfo@retrouvaille.org.uk www.retrouvaille.org.uk
Details of all programmes,
listed above,
in the Headline menu.
First Holy Communion Programme.
Sunday Liturgy for Children
Sacrament of Confirmation
Discovering the Catholic Faith
Infant Baptism.
Vocations to Priesthood, Diaconate and Religious Life.
See link for further details.
for children aged 3 years and above.
contact the school on 020 8698 4173 or
Appeal for School Governors.
Governors have an important role to play in ensuring sure schools are run effectively.
They work as part of a team with the Headteacher and other staff
to provide a happy, safe, and thriving learning environment as well as an excellent education for all the children.
See link for details.
Some Reflections in Light of the Synod on Synodality.
Summary by Archbishop John Wilson.
See link for details
Racial Justice and Social Inclusion
See Link for latest Newsletter.
Newsletter of the Commission for Promoting Racial Justice and Cultural Inclusion
December 2024. Issue 12.
Jubilee Year 2025
Latest news on Jubilee Year 2025.
See link
Agency for Evangelisation and Catechesis
See link for latest newsletter.
Caritas in Southwark
Archbishop John Wilson challenges his diocese to respond.
Pope Francis reminds us,
‘Each individual Christian and every community,’
he says ‘is called to be
an instrument of God for the liberation and promotion of the poor,
and for enabling them to be fully a part of society.
This demands,’ says Pope Francis ‘that we be docile and attentive to the cry of the poor
and to come to their aid.’
(EG 187)
Latest Bulletin June 2024
See link.
See link for details.
CSAN (Catholic Social Action Network).
Do Justice Campaign.
The aim of the campaign is to encourage Catholic parishes and schools to discern the needs of their local communities in the light of the Gospel and to act with the skills and resources they have at their disposal to bring about a more just society.
See link for details
Called to be Peacemakers
A new document of the International Affairs department of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales.
A Catholic approach to arms control and disarmament.
See link for details.
Lewisham Council.
Lewisham Foodbank
Worrying about money
Better off Lewisham
click link for details.
February Edition
With the ESV translation of the scripture.
Price £1.
now available from the back of the church.
This is a useful little book (A5) which contains the daily Mass Readings.
Link yourself with the Universal Church in taking a few minutes,
on your way to work or during a break,
to unite with God's Word,
as it is received throughout the world on each day.
Available from the back of the church. Price £1.
John Henry Butler RIP
Funeral Mass on Tuesday 11th March at 12 noon.
Committal: Hither Green Cemetery at 1.30 pm.
Frederick William Cummins RIP
Funeral Mass on Thursday 13th March at 12.30 pm.
Committal: Hither Green Cemetery at 2 pm.